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Syttende Mai
The lodge celebrates Syttende Mai, Norwegian Constitution Day on May 17th, with lunch at the lodge. Raffle tickets are also sold at the lodge ($1 per ticket) and the drawing is on May 18th.
May 17, 2024 from 10am-2pm
Each lunch platter is $15 (cash or check only) and includes:

1 smørbrød (open faced-sandwich)
Choose from smoked salmon, brunost (brown cheese), rolled ham, egg salad, or shrimp salad
1 piece of lefse
With butter and sugar provided

2 småkaker
Literally "small cake" in Norwegian, these are traditional cookie-like treats.
1 desert
Choose from 1 cup of riskrem with rødsaus (rice cream with red sauce) or 1 piece of bløtkake (traditional Syttende Mai cake)

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